For Every Season #FridayFictioneers

Copyright – Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

For Every Season

I traced a frozen heart on the glass.

No longer were your initials available to interlace with mine.

The storms and passion of our verdant spring had been replaced with a summer of striving, of building and succeeding.

Then came the slow days of fall with graying edges and softer curves. Less storms, deeper passion and easy contentment.

But winter always comes with her bleak loneliness, where everything you love wrinkles and withers and dies.

I buried you in darkest winter.

My heart will stay empty until we meet in spring: one soul shared again and again.


Do you believe that soul mates will find each other in every life time? It sounds improbable but when you love someone deeply you can’t imagine not finding them again and again.

For more tales of ice and lace go to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields site and join Friday Fictioneers. She will allow you 100 words to unthaw your tale.

31 thoughts on “For Every Season #FridayFictioneers

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  1. Super, Doc! The metaphor of love and seasons. Poetic and succinct. The good news is that, even though winter arrives, it doesn’t really kill anything, just puts everything to sleep until it’s time.

    Well-done, Tracey. Five out of five My Funny Valentines. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Very beautiful and thought-provoking. I don’t believe in romantic soul-mates, there is more than one person we can love deeply, putting them into categories seems unfair to me. I think we are all soul-mates (and should act that way 😉 ). Great story, Tracey.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I’m not sure what to expect in the afterlife, but I do hope there’ll be reconnection. Beautiful job of linking the seasons to life changes. It reminded me of my mother’s longing during the years after Dad died.

    Five Valentine hearts from me as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I agree with the other comments that this is a beautiful description of love! Great job!
    I agree with gahlearner in that I don’t believe in soul mates; I believe that it’s best to team up romantically with those who share common values and goals but are different enough to complement for our weaknesses. One reason I think this is how would you know someone is your soulmate? People I grew up with told me you’d know, but I never experienced anything like that, so I’m skeptical. One reason I don’t think soulmates find each other in every lifetime(assuming there is more than one) is some people never find anyone or die extremely young; does that mean they’re SOL?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wonderful, Tracey! I’m enchanted. Seasons interwoven through time. It’s an endless cycle, as is death/rebirth. I believe people find each other again. I really do.


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